May 19, 2019

Fire Flies' Evening (HOTARU NO YUUBE)

Hello, this is Nori!

Have you ever seen fire flies?

Normally, they can be seen in rural area in Japan. You might be able to see them in some part of Osaka, but not around main areas in Osaka.

But you can get chance to see them at Namba Parks!

They will release 300 fire flies there and you can enjoy to see them.

"Fire flies' Evening (HOTARU NO YUUBE)"

Place: Parks garden 5F in Namba Parks (next to Nankai Namba station)
Date & Time: between 8 pm and 10 pm on the 1st and 2nd of June
Fee: Free (first come, first served for 300 people)

You can enjoy their natural warm lighting :)

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