Sep 9, 2016

Kishiwada Danjiri Festival

This is Haru from Osaka Hana Hostel : )

Do you know ''Danjiri''??
Have you ever seen it ??

Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is one of the most famous and thrilling festival in Japan!!

Massive wooden floats called "Danjiri" are accelerated to the human running speed.
Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is characterized by 35 teams, and each carries a loud orchestra and a person who performs an expressive dance on the roof.
But what really makes Kishiwada Danjiri Festival so special is the speed at which the floats are turned 90 degrees at crossroads and corners.

You can also enjoy viewing Danjiri closely when it stops in front of you.
It is large and heavy (weigh up to 5 tonnes) and has elaborate carvings.
The floats parade slowly through the town, illuminated by over 200 paper lanterns.
There are stalls selling snacks and beverages on streets!!

Thank you for reading  : )

Around Kishiwada station and Haruki station of Nankai Line
1-10, Miyamotocho, Kishiwada
SCHEDULESeptember 17(Sat) & 18(Sun), 2016

Sep 1, 2016


Manpaku 2016

Japan's largest food festival, Manpaku, is here Osaka! "Manpaku" is the abbreviated name for a "Manpuku(=full stomach) Hakurankai(=exposition)."
It was named in the image of the huge festival that gathered the special gourmets who satisfied you.
The restaurants of Manpaku are great shops that make long lines in a rock festival and become the topic by a product exhibition.
Higashi no hiroba , Expo Park
SCHEDULEOctober 8(Sat)- 11(Tue),14(Fri)- 17(Mon), 2016
10:00-18:00(Last entry at 16:30)
FEEWeekdays Adv 300yen/Door 400yen
Saturday, Sunday and National holidays Adv 400yen/Door 500yen
※Admission free for Junior high school student or younger

◆Admission fee for Expo park is required
Adult: 250yen
Junior high or elementary school student: 70yen
INQUIRIESName : Kyodo Information
TEL : 06-7732-8888