Illumination events are very popular in winter season :)
Osaka has some events so please check them!
① Hikari-Renaissance
Actually this event finished on Dec 25/2011..
But it was very great! Osaka city hall was illuminated with 3D movement.
You can see from this web site.
This building is very old, but very nice architecture.
This is the symbol of Nakanoshima area.
Not only this, you can enjoy musical concerts, food, and cruise in this event.
②Midohsuji illumination
This illumination has hold by the 22nd of January ( Sunday).
Midohsuji, the main road of Osaka is light-upped like this about 2 kilometers from Yodoyabashi to Nagahori.

We hope you have a romantic night in Osaka (^v^)/★ A happy new year~~!
Osaka has some events so please check them!
① Hikari-Renaissance
Actually this event finished on Dec 25/2011..
But it was very great! Osaka city hall was illuminated with 3D movement.
You can see from this web site.
This building is very old, but very nice architecture.
This is the symbol of Nakanoshima area.
Not only this, you can enjoy musical concerts, food, and cruise in this event.
②Midohsuji illumination
This illumination has hold by the 22nd of January ( Sunday).
Midohsuji, the main road of Osaka is light-upped like this about 2 kilometers from Yodoyabashi to Nagahori.

We hope you have a romantic night in Osaka (^v^)/★ A happy new year~~!