Sep 22, 2018

Full moon party!

Hello, this is Nori from Osaka Hana Hostel!
In September, Osaka was struck by the huge typhoon...
But mostly it was recovered and it is getting cooler these days.

This time we will introduce Full moon party held on the 24th of September.
Why don't you relax watching full moon in a sacred atmosphere?

Mizukisai Festival held in Sumiyoshi Shrine.

Reference source URL:

Date and time: 6pm - 8:30pm on the 24th of September
Place: Sumiyoshi shrine
Fee: Free (for table seat : 1,000yen)

Shushisai Festival held in Osaka Tenman-gu.
Reference source URL:

Date and time: 6pm-9pm
Place: Osaka Tenman-gu
Fee: Free

According to the weather forecast, it will be cloudy on the day,
however, it is worthy of just experiencing such a sacred atmosphere!